How My October Went
Started my October with our Feasibility study defense. We actually had a lot of time to study and brainstorm for it but as you know teens haha ! We procrastinated a lot and always a sucker for due dates so we're like cramming at the very last minute ! The fact that we went to a family gathering the day before made me feel so exhausted to review but I still forced myself to stay up late together with my group mates. It was a nerve wrecking day for everyone! Somehow, it turned out quite well, all thanks to my hardworking group mates! After the endless nights of nightmare (defense I'm still talking to you!) comes the most unforgettable day of my life. I was invited/chosen to be a part of Kaila's Rainbowholic Meet up 2014, I blogged about it and guess what? She posted it on her official instagram account huhuhu !
here's the link if you want to read it. So much blessings huhu ! TTuTT She held an essay writing contest and those who will be chosen will have a privilege of meeting her up close and personal. If you asked me, I think my entry sounded more like a fangirl dying to get noticed hahaha! I couldn't believe it up until now. She really is something and I know she can achieve lots of things and more success in the future! I have to stop now or else this will turn into a long-list-of-things-that-I-love-about-Kaila kind of entry haha ! Pursuing my love for kawaii, I also decided to join Kawaii PH Community, I was able to meet many people who shares the same passion that I have !
I even started coloring the cute booklet that she had given me. Too much kawaiiness !!
Tadaaaaa~! I had so much fun doing it!
Also one of the highlight of my October was the day that I finally saw my online friend on cam for the first time ever ! Meet Yumi,

The second one was Namaikizakari. Yuki should end up with Naruse. Naruse should end up with Yuki. Do I need to say more?! Haha ! Sports genre for a change.
Anywaysssssss, my most awaited album of Taylor Swift 1989 is out now! Been waiting for it for two years ! I already have listened to the whole album and she never disappoints me with her songs, everything is catchy and worth listening to. As expected from her major songwriting skills haha ! I like this better than her last album Red. She gained a lot of haters because of her sudden change of genre from country to pop but I guess they just couldn't understand that an artist also needs to grow :)
And then there's Halloween, I watched random videos about scary make up tutorials and I was rooting for a skull/I-don't-know-what-you-call-it-look unfortunately this is what I end up with T__T
I turned into a freaking panda oh gahd. #fail it was my first time coloring my face lol !! Sorry for shamelessly sharing my failed halloween make up xD
Apologies for my poor sentence transitions and for jumping from one topic to another (-A-) Writing this entry at 4 am made me so sleeeepy, so please bare with me ^__^v
So that's how my October went. It's actually one of the blessed months that I've ever had! The defense was done, my grades were unexpectedly hella fine ! And I'm like 75% enrolled. Everything seems to be going well ! October surprised me a lot. I was more than happy and blessed. November is coming ! Marking my last sem on my last year on college. Pressured? Yes. Giving up? No. It's too late to give up now. Hope I can pass this sem and march on April! Hwaiting~
Ending this entry with a picture of me and my kawaii momma !
Also one of the highlight of my October was the day that I finally saw my online friend on cam for the first time ever ! Meet Yumi,

This sweet girl is my fave friend ! I've never actually met her in person because she lives in Japan but she likes to send me photos of the places she went and the people she loves. She also comforts me like nobody else could (that time when I got my heart broken. Lol Grace why bring up that now?xD) She was there for me in spirit. One of the many reasons why I'm eager to visit Japan is because I want to meet her and thank her for this wonderful friendship. I just love her to death ! ♥__♥
About my gamer-ish life hahaha! I've been on hiatus in playing League of Legends since I promised myself not to unless we get done with the defense and other school stuff and now that they're finally over, I went back on track ! Haha ! It seems like my already poor stategy skills got weaker ! It still nice to be back though xD.
Going to the Otaku Department, this month I was able to read two mangas ! First was Hirunaka no Ryuusei, Suzume just couldn't forget about her first love, Shishio sensei. I know sensei just wanted to protect her by breaking her heart but still at the end, he confused her feelings and now wants her back. Wtf ! Go for Mamura Suzume ! Mamura ! Mamura he will never hurt you !!!
The second one was Namaikizakari. Yuki should end up with Naruse. Naruse should end up with Yuki. Do I need to say more?! Haha ! Sports genre for a change.
Anywaysssssss, my most awaited album of Taylor Swift 1989 is out now! Been waiting for it for two years ! I already have listened to the whole album and she never disappoints me with her songs, everything is catchy and worth listening to. As expected from her major songwriting skills haha ! I like this better than her last album Red. She gained a lot of haters because of her sudden change of genre from country to pop but I guess they just couldn't understand that an artist also needs to grow :)
And then there's Halloween, I watched random videos about scary make up tutorials and I was rooting for a skull/I-don't-know-what-you-call-it-look unfortunately this is what I end up with T__T
I turned into a freaking panda oh gahd. #fail it was my first time coloring my face lol !! Sorry for shamelessly sharing my failed halloween make up xD
Apologies for my poor sentence transitions and for jumping from one topic to another (-A-) Writing this entry at 4 am made me so sleeeepy, so please bare with me ^__^v
So that's how my October went. It's actually one of the blessed months that I've ever had! The defense was done, my grades were unexpectedly hella fine ! And I'm like 75% enrolled. Everything seems to be going well ! October surprised me a lot. I was more than happy and blessed. November is coming ! Marking my last sem on my last year on college. Pressured? Yes. Giving up? No. It's too late to give up now. Hope I can pass this sem and march on April! Hwaiting~
Ending this entry with a picture of me and my kawaii momma !
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