How My June Went

I'm not sure if y'all can see this post, but my blog has been acting up these past few weeks! soo stressed trying to work on HTML codes when I was soo clueless lol yo Blogger, I ain't trying to fuck with yall, I'm just a woman trying to put out her thoughts on this platform. If you think you're messing with the right person, well YOU AIN'T WRONG 😭so don't go sending me some error messages or I'll cry! I don't like the idea of getting my 9 years of work going to waste. 



From the looks of my social media posts, you'd know what highlights my June; yup you got it, it's Bruno Mars concert here in Manila! and unless I make a separate blog about it, I don't think I would shut up lol so yeah there's that. 

So moving on, a little story time 😂

I had a couple of weird dreams First was a dream about my brother touring me to his workplace, which was a stationary shop inside a mall. He was wearing this white collar polo shirt paired with denim pants. Grinning from ear to ear, he looked so happy walking me along the way and telling me work stories. He told me that he enjoys being an adult and is glad he's finally earning his own money. 

In reality, he never did. He never even finished his studies because we lost him before he could but in that dream, he gave me a glimpse of what he could turn out to be if he is still alive today. I would give anything to see you grow up to be a fine young man who pays bills, treats himself to a nice restaurant, and travels. I would love nothing but to hear you complain about your job, the struggles of adulting, and literally everything that worries you. Ultimately, I want to thank you for visiting me. I remember waking up that morning not crying, but rather with a smile on my face. I will always miss you, and Atunton!! 💖 

Contrary to the first one, the second dream was terrifying! I was in a dark alley in our old compound in Manila when a weird creature appeared out of the blue. I couldn't see it because again, it was dark but the silhouette of it was enough to scare me off. I didn't pay attention to it thinking it would go until it started coming towards me. It was walking in a weird, creepy way and I could see its silhouette changing from a tall, hairy dude to what seemed like a woman bent over backwards. At that point, I was pretty sure I was having sleep paralysis which I haven't had for so long. Really freaked out by this creature that I told myself I needed to wake up. Which luckily, I did before it got to me. But when I opened my eyes, I barely recalled the place I was at. I even forgot that we relocated a couple years ago and it seemed like I was still in a haze. It was as if my reality has been altered by that dream. Weirdddddddd

A huge part of what caused this was the behind-the-scenes of Silent Hill that I saw on Tiktok lol that nurse scene!!! I have yet to watch the whole film but that scene scared me. You see this is why I avoid horror films coz I would often get nightmares about them. Adding sleep paralysis just makes it 10000% worst!! 


Enough with the strange dreams, let's go to my June blog diary. 

Rainy weather is here and this year's summer has been quite eventful but I will never miss the scorching hot, and humid weather. And I'm looking forward to snuggling up with my 6 pillows and drinking my tea more than ever. 

Just like May, June was a month of recuperating lol from what you say? well idk too, just those kinds of days I guess. 

oh right. I ate good food with friends hehe

On a side note, I got myself a new phone. My Samsung S10 E which I'd been using for almost 5 years started acting up. It drains super fast and charging literally takes a whole day. There was also a discoloration on the screen, just a bunch of complications after another. I wouldn't buy a new one seriously but getting it checked and splurging for the repair would probably cost me the same amount as getting a new phone. Well I guess, it's about damn time. 

but you know what's the weird thing about all of this? le old phone started going back to normal after. I MEAN RIGHT AFTER I BOUGHT A NEW ONE. LIKE WHAT THE FUUUCCCCCKK!

And going back to IOS after years of being an Android user was a bit of a challenge haha the last iPhone I had was an iPhone 6 for god's sake. It was soo luma pa, and since it's been a while, and IOS had a lot of system updates over the years, navigating iPhone 14 was confusing 😅

but we'll get there. 

and I made songs again! I thought the "composerizxct" spirit in me would go away lol but I was damn productive. And I've been practicing ukulele too much the site had to ask if I'm human, ghorl!!!?????

I recently bought a pre-loved dress and it was soo cute! The seller even sent me this cute note and a drawing of me 💖

and once agaaaain, thank you Justbaked MNL for the sweet treat!!!

then going back to drinking green tea religiously because man oh man I've been eating a lot, and not the good kind wahahaha! I guess staying at home makes me so matakaw! lahat na lang cinrave taena.

On my Netflix/Disney + department. 

Took a break from "How I Met Your Mother" and squeezed in some Disney and Dreamworks Classic films. Like "Snow White" and "Shrek 1-3". One thing I noticed though, "Snow White" was really out there sleeping like a baby, surrounded by 7 MALE dwarves, waiting for her prince charming's kiss. LOL Watching it as an adult is really different and so how love was portrayed. It was pretentious and weird. No wonder I grew up loving fairytales, they painted these stories to brainwash kids into thinking that love is all butterflies, and never focus on the ugly truth of it. But will that stop me from rewatching a random Disney classic? HELL NAH. I love me some dreamy, mental, and emotional torture.

I'm still bummed that Laufey just had her concert here. If you don't know her, she's a jazz singer from Iceland. Her songs are soothing and relaxing, and a lot different from the pop hits we have right now. A breath of fresh air! I recently became a fan like LITERALLY a week apart from her concert date in Manila! I would've gone.  😭😭😭😭😭

Top Songs for this Month!!!

1.) Calling All My Lovelies - Bruno Mars

2.) If I Knew - Bruno Mars

3.) Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo

4.) Laufey - Promise

5.) We Were Never Really Friends - Bruno Major

I'll keep it short and sweet today. 

bye mfs!!!





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