How My December Went
Prepare your eyes to read because this one is gonna be one heck of a lengthy post !
Hi ! Hello! It's me Grace, and this one right here is my very first blog entry for January!
So how did my December went ?
I now present you the most random entry ....
Met up with my former band members, Eca and my best friend Bill !! It's been years since the last time we saw each other. Knowing how they're doing with their lives now made me so proud that they're my friends. :)
Food becomes more delicious when it's free haha ! :D
Anyway, our professor GaƱa gave us free donuts again uwaaaah !!
I feel guilty doodling this in his class though. :(
Last December 17, our college held a Christmas Party. There's this singing contest and my classmates forced me to join :3 I'm not prepared, really the reason I came to the party was for the attendance. Didn't expect it would go this way. My professor required me to do it too TTuTT. There's no escape so I signed up for it. Part of the mechanics is where the contestants wouldn't be able to pick the song of their choice. The organizers will pick the song you're going to sing, if the performance resulted to a "yes" from the judges, you are qualify to the next round when you can finally pick your song.
So just imagine how nervous I was of having clearly no idea of what song I'm going to sing !!! GLADLY. GLADLY. The line up for the contestants were cut off !!! TTuTT. So in the end, I didn't sing :DD what a relief wheww.... Well atleast we all had fun !
Had a karaoke date with my cousin Jungshin :)
KPOP yes!!!!
And obviously ate like there's no tomorrow! Hehe :D
Christmas vacation staato!!! (Photospam)
Christmas and New Year's Eve!
Happy New Year from our family :)
These kind of celebrations wouldn't be complete without wearing my wig haha ! Jung looked so cute and derp !
I'm so blessed to have spent these two holidays with my family. And you know what I got this Christmas? FATS. TTuTT why not? It's a feast hahaha !!
Jumping into another topic.....
Otaku mode activated:!!! After months and months of waiting for it to be available online, I finally got to watched "Sukitte Ii Na Yo" live action film !!!!
I also have watched the anime version of "Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji". The anime is cool but I like the manga version more.
Last but not the least, I've finished reading the manga "Hirunaka no Ryuusei". Finally it's complete! I remember rooting for Mamura on my blog before, and yeah he ended up with Suzume! Oh thank heavens! Kudos to Yamamori-sensei for doing an amazing job! And for also granting my wish haha! Suzume chooses Mamura over sensei! Because sense is baka hmp!
Thank you minna-san for reading my blog ! Have a Happy New Year! ā„
Gomen ne, if this blog looks rushed. I don't feel well right now. T^T
Gomen ne, if this blog looks rushed. I don't feel well right now. T^T
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