Chapter 2 of 2015

February has been by far the most eventful month. I went to a lot of places, did bunch of things, met few people and many more. So today I'm gonna highlight some of them in this entry. So shall we start ? 

Visited my alma mater, Ramon Magsaysay High School! It's been almost 3 years since the last time I went there. Felt very nostalgic throughout. I missed high school life so bad hahaha ! I also got to meet my best friend who's currently conducting his on the job training as a student teacher. He used to be my schoolmate back in our days, and also my first love. Yes. He is. Oh the memories! Hihihi! Thinking about it now makes me laugh. I was such a dumbass before. Touring the school with him where we first met bought chills on my spine. Seriously. Everything is completely different now but the memories just came back out of nowhere. 

Anywayss, I'm getting a little far from the topic. Here's a photo with the statue of our school which I used to ignore when I was currently studying there. Lol

The canteen vibe ~

Shitfam alert! 

My valentine's date, Bebi surprised me one random morning. She woke me up with foods from McDonalds. Little things that make me happy ! She's the sweetest as always! We've been hanging out these past few weeks and I really do enjoy her company. We never ran out of topics to talk about and she's very funny and supportive too ! 

My co trainee Allison invited me to the office to celebrate her last duty ! Once again I was reunited with my admin fam :)   They were all welcoming and we watched random funny videos. I would like to stay longer but I had made other plans that day and because the educational tour was coming, I got tons of things that need to take care of. TTuTT
Congrats Allison and goodluck on your future career ! :D

Our dear professor required us to attend atleast 3 seminars and make narrative reports about it for our finals. Fortunately, PUP was currently conducting different seminars so we attended 2 of them. Both programs were well executed. They chose right speakers too ! And of course freebies hahaha ! I learned a lot.

Also had a quick catch up with one of my friends whom I haven't seen in ages ! 

From this point, expect more random photos and captions. Hahaha ! 

Kawaii mall decorations spotted!

School decorations for the month of hearts.

Thanks! :)

You know you're bitter when...
You cut this poor brownie in half. Lol! 

Rilakkuma phone cases ! 

The amount of X.O. candy I got from the first seminar is heavenly! Hahaha ! I can actually pack and sell them again. It's just too many xD 

Since my bookshelf is still not done, I put my books in the upper part of my bed together with the stuff I got from V-Day. 

I finally watched "If I Stay". And good thing didn't wailed. Hahaha !! Chloe is so stunning and amazing ! I love their chemistry so much it makes me wanna fall in love again. Ah lol no. 

Sorry, I still have a hungover with this movie. 

Adding to the "watched list" is the anime "Inu x Boku SS" 
Recommended yeah ! I just felt a little awkward because the guy is the one pursuing the girl and obviously showing his affection unlike the other shoujo anime which is vice versa. I find it rare to see a guy like that, if you're still curious better watch it guys hahaha ! 

Another great anime. "Nisekoi"! 

February went so fast !! March is up ! More hassle and challenging month for me TTuTT Hope everything will be okay final exams are coming too ! I need to focus more on studies so I might be busy for this month. I'm more nervous than ever ugh. Graduation is just around the corner huhu wish me luck guys! 


~ā–ŗ Grace


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