Why I Love Parties and Gatherings

While some hates parties and gatherings I, on the other hand is the opposite.
I don't party that much; maybe occasionally yes. Especially during my prime years in college I admit you can find me in a bar once or twice a week with my friends. It is used to be our little getaway from the hard college life, a way to celebrate every occasion and also how we mend one's broken heart ! Drink it up. How I miss those days. Confused yet carefree. Problematic yet brave.
Reckless yet passionate. 

Now I'm starting to grow fond of setting up mini gatherings to see my friends again. To see how they are all doing with their lives. But it's hard.
This "Adulting" life makes it so difficult for us, for me. Everything is so different today. I just can't call a friend and expect them to be there for me. Everyone is just so busy with their own lives. Can we just go back in time ? :(

Perhaps, I'm actually growing up and this is part of the system.
I'm not that extrovert either but if organizing or attending the party means seeing a long time friend or even an acquaintance then count me in. I believe that one of the greatest gifts you can give someone is your time. I don't wanna grow old not knowing anything about the people I care about. 

I love parties not because I'm a drunkard mess who needs alcohol to function,
but because that's the only way I can reconnect with the people I have never seen in ages. I miss them terribly and I don't want this friendship to just be a memory. Or maybe I just really am in need of social life. 

Maybe a bottle of tequila with some music, sounds good ?



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