Quick Life Update

Hello everyone!

It has been months since I've been active here. 
Apparently, we're now in Lock Down Season 4. 
Still stuck in quarantine. 
How are you all coping with it ?

Life recently for me has been a nightmare with the passing of my brother during the lock down. We could not even mourn properly, it was so difficult to move with just limited freedom. We had to make huge adjustments to fit the ECQ standards and it was a nightmare :( Just the feeling of losing another family member is a kind of sadness someone does not deserve to feel but I think I'll be silently grieving for the rest of my life. It's hard to move pass this. 
Fortunately, I live with my fam and cousins now whom somehow made me escape the sadness from time to time and I'm grateful I have their company. I can talk about it over and over again but I don't want to cry so I'll stop from here. Life goes on and while my brother stopped his, mine is still here and there's nothing I can do but to be strong and move forward. He will always be my fave bunso though! ā™„

On another pressing matter, there's a lot of issues our world is facing right now. With the COVID19 spreading like wild fire across the globe is so terrifying. Thinking about it, 2020 started way off! There's Taal Volcano erupting resulting to ashfall, climate change bushfires here and there, the WW3 threats and plane crashes. What else 2020 has got for all of us ? :( I will not deep dive coz there's just too much negativity. 

But perhaps we can leave the ECQ one out, since it's still on going.
So I've been stuck at home and fortunately have a job that still allows me to work and earn which I believe not everyone has a luck of doing so. Of course it has its pros and cons but I'm thankful I get to work from the comfort of my home. Lock down made everything hard so I order my basic needs from Lazada and Shopee, coz gotta stock up on my skin care routine! lol!

I've also developed a liking for hot coffee! Before the quarantine, I only drink Iced Coffee. I dislike sipping on anything that can possibly burn my tongue coz I'm careless like that! But here in my household where coffee is basically their water lol I came to live with it. And every time I work now, I would make sure to have a cup of coffee on my table. 

And since we are an extended family here, I get to bond with my cousins and Tita ! Which is extremely fun. Also since I have extra time, I can practice my ukulele too! But my fave past time is listening to podcasts. Yes! I used to listen to Adulting with Joyce Pring for self help lol. Boiling Waters PH is on the list as well coz they're so damn funny and entertaining. Podcasts help me forget about the traffic, it's really a good source of enjoyment during long hours of commuting. But since I thought of it that way. I never imagined I can also listen to it at home and love it! So currently, I'm binge-listening to Behind Relationship Goals by Megan and Mikael. lol In hopes of improving my next relationship (if I will ever have one) no honestly, you can be single and enjoy these kind of things. I, for example, don't listen to them just because they are legit goals but I like the way they take things in a different perspective. I'm learning in terms of self development, better ways of dealing with problems, and other stuff that not just someone who has a relationship can relate to.
So go to Spotify and don't be bano in your relationship lol

Above all, the lock down did some magic to my savings!!!!!!!
I still do my impulsive online shopping but it's not breaking the bank compared to going out to the mall or eating out with friends!! This has been my fave part of the quarantine. Let's just hope my finances stay the same after all of this lol *fingers crossed* 

Lastly, I don't think I can be active here on my blog. Perhaps, I'll just be a mushroom popping in from time to time!

Stay Safe. DO NOT GO OUT.

Talk to you all soon.



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