Summer in November

Hey guys !! So apparently I took a much needed 2 days vacay. Me, together with my best friend, Bill and a close friend, Jobelle headed all the way to Nasugbu to unwind. I've been feeling stressed the whole November to be honest, so I thought that maybe escaping the reality for a while will help. And it did. Being away from home gives me so much freedom. "I badly need to take a break", that's what I said to myself before leaving Manila. It will be my second time going there, and I'm still so hype about it ! 

Traveling at night was all new to me! We took the last bus trip to Batangas. It's scary because (it's dark) and there's a lot of possibilities that may come on our way, like accidents or crimes (hold up, or worst a hostage!), whtvr (because I'm a paranoid person, yes yes) but of course it's less hassle than traveling at daytime. It's much quieter too! It was already midnight when we arrived at the hotel (we will be staying over at Tita's room again, Bell's super mom at Canyon Cove Hotel and Spa) then had our rest because I'm so close to throwing up from our 4 hour trip! #motionsickness -_- 

Woke up the next day feeling excited !! 
Good morning Batangas ! We meet again !



I'll never forget the hot weather that day! I mean, November, really ? You're supposed to be cooler roight? Hahaha ! My best friend was even going for a cover ! 

Jobelle and Bill who's still in covers lol ! 

Vitamin Sea.....

Tried promoting my blog hahaha ! Can you read it guys ? 

*Candid * my siopao face !! :D

We didn't went to the deeper part of the sea because I have this fear that there would be sharks!! Foolish I know, blame it on "Jaws". Plus!!! people might mistake me for a whale -_- and we don't want that to happen hahaha ! So just like that and we spend the afternoon swimming like Nemo. 

Sun is setting.... Always my fave time of the day! 




I really did watched the sun set up from our hotel room. 
                      Then went to the veranda to witness this..
I took a picture of the moon too !! 
How amazing it would be to always end your night seeing this kind of view! 

                             Now back to our room...

Then had dinner with Tita, (the resort manager) and her executives. We also ate together at lunchtime :) and I was asked to sing that night, since Tita bragged about it (Tita, why you put me on the spot? 慜__慜) I did sing despite feeling a mental breakdown coming xD everyone was so hype that night and I don't want to be a kill joy either. My oh my ! Imagine how nervous I was >__< singing in front of other people is really not my thing, plus the fact that they're all Tita's work colleagues huhuhu ;__; Did you Ma'am, and Sir liked it ? T^T I can only remember my voice shaking...  on a serious note, being on the same table with them is so overwhelming, and a little intimidating? They still talk about work related stuff which is so cool ! but it was so fun being with them. I thought to myself "ah so this is what being with the professionals feels like"! Another new experience for me!

Dropped by the lobby after dinner before going back to our room.

                                   This morning view surprised me the very next day !

There would be a Triathlon event that day too and it would be my first time to watch it live !! 


            Tita and Bill <3

                                           Contestants getting ready!! 

                Start ! Unfortunately, wasn't able to watch it up to the end.. I wonder who won ?

Anyway, since we're all starving,we headed to "Bayan" to have our breakfast! 

                                     Then for the last time, went out to swim.

Bill and Jobelle dipped into the pool while I relaxed and did a little sun bathing lol!!


Here's a photo of my best friend, floating like a pro ! Hahaha ! 

I spend most of my time admiring the beauty of nature and for once, I seemed to forget about my stressful life back in Manila but sadly, we have to go back :((( 

Back at the hotel to have lunch then we'd be off. 


                        Took a quick detour before saying our goodbyes. 
We called this mountain a "Titan" because it looks like a balding head of a titan lol ! But trust me, it's scary being near it. Sorry poor mountain for giving you that title. Ugh my imagination is really crazy !! 

Unwinding success ! Even if it's nakakabitin, keri lang ! 

Thank you Tita and Bill for having me! This whole Batangas trip wouldn't be possible without you two :) Also to Jobelle who's a hundred times crazier than me!! and to those who wants to experience Cove click here! 



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