Birthday and Christmas
This entry is supposed to be a reflection kind of entry because 2016 is here but since I procrastinated the whole December, I need to continue where I left off. Yep, you all know what I'm talking about, Birthday and Christmas!
Hmmmm, I just turned 21 last December. To be honest, I don't want a huge celebration anymore. (because ehem big girl na ko) but I still feel sad when important people forget it. It's supposed to be my special day, I should feel all happy and that. But it didn't felt like that at all. I felt unloved and invisible and I was at my most fragile state every time my birthday comes. Big girls shouldn't cry. But I still did.
My day was going not so fine, I don't have a birthday plan at all, until one of my closest friend, Bebi asked me out on a date ;____; and I felt crying so I held it back. She never fails to surprise me. She came over to my house with a cake and a gift for me! T____T I'm not asking anything to anyone at all, in fact, I decided to not go anywhere and treat it just like any normal day but she went overboard and even took me out for dinner.
We strolled around B. High street before eating dinner at Cabalen.
Finally had the chance to eat my fave Dinuguan <3
Then dropped by my friend's workplace. Had a quick catch up since my birthday will end soon.
Haven't seen this two for quite some time :( Thank you for being with me on my day despite the tiredness you two had from work.
Thank you everyone for all the birthday greetings! Be it because of facebook or you just really remembered. To some important people who seem to had forgotten, (u know wo u are), I did feel sad yet I don't expect you to remember it, so it's okay. Tampo lang ako ng konti ;___; To Ghielina (Bebi), Vien and Alvin, thank you so much for spending your time with me, It means a lot, a whole lot to me. TTuTT. To my fam, thank you for the unending love even if I'm more of a pasaway than a good daughter. Lastly, to God for giving me this opportunity to live another year.
I received the best gift ever too !
My Darling, a very good friend of mine gave me this cute pup as a birthday/Christmas gift! I named him Haru. This chubs literally made my life complete. ;____; Look at him! He's so little. Even though mom is against him, she feeds him every now and then especially when I'm not around or at sleep. The whole house also seems to lighten up since he came.
I'm no expert in handling pets even though I've had a couple of dogs before, but I will try my best to take care of you baby.
Look at him sleeping under the Christmas tree.
Soooo little ~ kawaiiii!
Too fond of my baby I almost forgot to blog about Christmas! So yeah Christmas came. It's nowhere near exciting as the ones we had last years. I think as time goes by, people loses their Christmas spirit. This generation seemed to have forgotten what Christmas is all about. It's saddening how they're slowly losing their interest in celebrating it and rather focus more on what they're gonna get. :( I'm the type of person who never gets tired of Christmas. It's exciting and nostalgic for me. We had a mini celebration at home. The usual pinoy handa and we enjoyed the rest of the night.
I hope you guys had a great Christmas time!
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