Last week of December + New Years Resolutions

                                Oh look who's updating the blog ! I've made an itsy bitsy change here in my page. I'm actually going for a mature and simple look. However, I'm not that good at creating and designing my own header so it resulted into this. It's still incomplete but we'll get there. I also added my "About Me'' page so you guys should check it out ! :) If I ever have the time, I'm gonna study more about beautifying my blog since it's new year! 

                                The rest of December has been great. 

                                Me and some of my friends thirdwheeled a date, because that's where I'm good at anyway. Speaking of, I'm planning to do that for living since my love life is zero af you couples can hire me to be your photographer during dates I take badass photos and rates are negotiable lol lol lol kidding! 



                               Picture captured while riding a Ferris wheel came out well though I'm trying to stop myself from shaking because hahahaheights ;___;

                              Always a fun company! We also watched "A Second Chance". That movie is bae! Their acting is so on amazing and the plot is surprisingly good! I was on the verge of crying at some point hahaha ! But lol gotta hold it back. 

                                                                    Also had buffet with my gang!

                                                                            Thank you guys!
                                                   You instagram people probably tried this app !

        Oh you can follow me @gracelacra if you fancy having my face on your feed hahahaha ! 

          New Year's Eve

                               I swear my mom is the best when it comes to cooking ! Why didn't I get that skill from her ? 慜____慜 The only thing I'm good at is eating.

                                New Year was amazing! I went out to watch fireworks display and I got a great and loving family to spend it with, I couldn't ask for more :)

                                    My brother and Haru enjoyed the rest of the night cuddling!
                                Crossed out from my bucket list! I have a passport na! I can't contain my happiness upon receiving it! I now have the ticket to see the world :)) I can't wait to have my first travel. Well not anytime soon but someday you'll be put in good use. Huhuhu ;___; Japan, Korea and New York, see you all soon !


    New Year's Resolution + Reflections

                               If there's one thing that will always on this list is to: go on a diet. XD it doesn't really work for me but I'll give it another shot. Tapos who u saken lahat ng nagsasabing di ako papayat hahahaha ! This year, I like to try something that I've never done before. I will also lessen procrastinating and be more productive. I will try to see the good in everything no matter how hard the situation gets. I want to learn something new, explore the world and discover. I will have more me-time and appreciate my own company. BE BRAVE AND HAVE CONFIDENCE. I have tons but let's leave it at that. I wonder if I can do that all hmmm.. 

                               2015 gave me so many things that I will surely remember, lessons that I need to ponder on, met a lot of new faces, went to different unforgettable places. There were more downs than ups to be specific but all I know is at the end of the day, I have people who will always have my back. Last year was probably the most stressful year I've ever had in my entire existence. I graduated college yet still jobless. I figured how loser I became. That I can be of no use, that I'm a free loader and that I'm causing trouble to my family and to everyone surrounding me. That is probably the reason why I gained weight coz I take it all out on food. So this year hopefully I can find a better and stable job. 

                               I realized that you can never really get something you want overnight. You have to work hard to achieve it. I'm nowhere near my dream right now but I'm not gonna give it up because of these things that are holding me back. *Positive thoughts* I trust my life to God and I will try to understand whatever path He will give me.
                               Life is really hard. I knew that all along but it still surprises me with good things and I'm thankful for that. My life might be boring and challenging but hey this what makes me "me". :) life is worth living. I hope everyone can see it.

                              Wishing a year full of positivity, adventures and experience! 

                              Ending this entry with this photogenic puppy of mine. Took this photo at one of the rarest time when Haru is calm.



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