August 2016

Hey guys! Look who's back ! :)
I made July and August a failure coz I was heck inactive. I'm sorry for not keeping up with my promise T^T believe it or not and I know I'd sound like I'm making this up, but my computer broke so I can't blog for a month. Yes! and I just had it fixed the other day. I will no longer make a promise to be active, but I assume I'll be one now that everything is back to normal, my computer and *ehem* my life. I can once again locked myself up in the room and blog.

So what exactly happened this August ?
Well if I were to conclude, I got quite busy with something else and that pretty much sums up my whole August. My heart and soul were so preoccupied to the point that I forgot who I really was. Good thing it was over and I'm now as free as a honeybee!

Starting off with the newest addition to the Lacra Clan, my nephew Dwayne's Christening!

And my cousin even made me as a Godmother and now I gotta act one!
Sorry Dwayne you got a poor Tita-ninang xD

 My plate as messy as my bed but what do you expect hahaha ! I secretly prepared myself for this day lol

With my gorgeous cousins <3

 And on a random payday, here's my mom spendin' her daughter's hard earned money hahaha!
 And something I'll never get tired of doing. Taking my mom out is gonna be my fave thing!
I also got to talk to her about more personal stuff about me and I'm just so happy that it didn't turned out to be a life lesson kind of thingggg! She was curious and interested herself. 

Aaaaaand! my Pakgirl and my girl friend, Edz!
 We rewarded ourselves at Pepper Lunch, lashed out them money and went back to work broke but with an ear to ear smiles :D
 coz why not?? :D

isn't my girl cute ? 
I'm so glad to have found a friend who will gave you the very unbias, honest and frank advises and opinions without sugarcoating anything. I would've made the craziest things without her guiding my actions. T^T Arigatou Edishing!!
*bows in 90 degree in japanese*

Since there's no computer, I watched the left over movies from my flash drive.

Daaaaaaaamn you "6 Years".
I cried the first time I watched this film.
It portrays the shortcomings of a long-term relationship.
even though I can't relate lol why am I making this about me ? xD
Anywhoooo, it's also relationship goals for me, let's be honest, how can you stay committed for six years? Aargh I wish I can find someone who will never get tired of me for that long. -___- 

It also reminded me of my another fave movie, "Like Crazy" which also shows the realistic side of being in a relationship, though the story differs because this one is about LDR. I think filming without a script really do wonders. Yes! you're right both "6 Years" and "Like Crazy" are improvised. Actors are only told what scene and emotions they're going to do. I'll give a thousand points for that!

"Very Good Girls" Starring my new blonde guy, Boyd Holbrook, Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen. Now this one plays between friendship and love. A bit hard to take it all in, how can you lie to your best friend and date her crush ? That's pure betrayal right there! Anyway, atleast I learned something from it: Do not hook up with a random handsome guy at the beach coz everyone has a crush on him. 
Lol idk if you can consider that as a life lesson, I tried. 

That sums up my August! 
Thank you guys for reading (if you reach this point then you're amazing)! Hope I didn't bore you and I'll try my best to keep up this September, I just really really wish nobody/nothing will interrupt me. I don't like losing my focus for a not so worthy stuff. :)

Here's to more movie reviews and love life (sorry 6 years really made me miss having a partner to play pak ganern hahaha kidding!!) but it reminded me of someone I used to love #HugotPaMoreGrasya! T___T

Love you Guys! ā™„ā™„



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