Five Things To Do Less Often
So I was contemplating a while ago just about everything and I ended up with this topic. There are some things we tend to over-do than we necessarily need to. We may be doing it over the top without knowing and we still think it's okay. And I might be guilty with some of these but let's see if you happen too!
So without further ado, let's start!
Here are the five things we need to do less often:
1.) Taking photos of your food.
- Guilty me! But honestly, it's an old story people got used on doing it on a normal basis. We take photos of our food instead of praying first. It's sad that we forgot the main reason why we're all gathered in the dining table.
We get that it's too pleasing in your eyes to not take photo that will serve as a remembrance especially when it's on your fave or fancy restaurant, but doing a little less of it will surely do you good. :)
Can we just munch on food already ? :D
2.) Drinking alcohol religiously.
Alcohol became a huge part of almost every event. Birthdays? Graduation? worst, a heartbreak? it's always there. But as much as I hate to break it up to you. Drinking alcohol on a daily basis could get you in serious health trouble. While it may also contain chemicals that can do good to your body, the downside of it can double up. I, myself drink alcohol, but I only do it when I feel like and that doesn't mean everyday. Once a while is enough and a self control can help you too!
3.) Staying out ALL THE TIME.
Hey! Hi! You still have a family who's waiting for you at home.
Sure you don't want to miss out on a that friend's night out at your go-to club or a sleepover at your SO's house while you do netflix and chill but really, you do it more often that you're missing some important people at your home. How about a cooking sesh together with your mom ? or even simply joining them for dinner? A quality time for your fam can never beat any of those I have mentioned above. Spend some time with them while you can coz at the very end of the day, they are the ones who really care for you.
4.) Posting so much on social media.
Yes, posting every little thing on social media can be quite interesting and superb annoying. First, no one likes to see their newsfeed looking like it's your own timeline with your flood posts. You need to chill woman. Second, posting too much about yourself can get you in danger, so better be careful sharing everything before you hit that post button. Third, it really does get annoying over time. How about loosening it up a bit and enjoy more of what's outside your mobile screen ?
5.) Comparing yourself.
Admittedly guilty girl here ! Whether it's about their rich lifestyle, or by how the way they look. You know just because they're much prettier, richer or sexier doesn't mean you're not. Well here's the good news, you can be! just in a unique way. Don't let these insecurities brainwash your mind and your heart. Everyone is beautiful just the way they are. Stop comparing yourself to them, you're all good on your own girl!
and there's so many more!
But that's all I could come up with right now since it's already way past 11 pm.
btw, did you fall into some of those ? IF you happen to.
Tara let's help each other, bawas bawasan natin :)
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