January 2024 Blog Diary


Hi kids, this is your Mom's Blog Diary for January 2024. 

Before we kickstart this blog, I want to say a few things to our new readers. 

Welcome! Hi! My name is Grace and this is my blog. Been running this website for the past 10 years and hoping for another decade and more. I'm obsessed with anything Matcha or Green Tea even though it triggers my acid reflux lol. Solid Swiftie since 2008 and currently crushing hard on Jim Parsons. Pls tell me I'm not the only one...

feel like reading more? 


If there is one thing I love most about New Year, it is the amount of food served at our dining table. you won't ever catch it lacking every year and I'm beyond grateful for it! I think for one, and as Asians, we can all agree that it should be celebrated with prosperity and abundance - a good luck charm for the year that is to come. 

I just wish I was able to toss in some gugo shampoo in the prosperity bowl coz this bitch is balding really bad I'm not even kidding..... I swear nothing can make me happier than a healthy scalp. T^T

so to all the Gods of luxurious and healthy hair, please don't let my hairline reach mid-skull (if that's even a word idk anymore) lol

On the first weekend of the year, I attended the Circus Music Festival. This was the rescheduled date since it was initially dated last year in September. To compensate the other artists who became unavailable due to new dates, they added more artists, a second day, and for us, VIP tix holders have been allowed to attend the 2-day concert for the price of one. Not bad right?

I'll make a separate blog for these kids. I'll show you these for now.

Bill's mom hosted a party in Tondo in celebration of the fiesta so the gang went there, ate, drank, and did karaoke. It was loud and lively!! When everyone left, Bill and I watched a few episodes of TBBT before we drifted to sleep.

The very next morning, I met Gail in Glorietta for a quick brunch. We ate at Marugame and she handed me this cute box that has cookies in it. Get this, MATCHA COOKIES! Said it was her first time baking such but I could already give her my stamp of approval! Also impulsively bought matching shoes and we got it on sale. Budol iz real! The last stop was Tsuijri, a matcha cafe that I've been eyeing for the longest time! A very Japanese kind of date. 

On the last weekend of January, 

I met up with yet again another set of friends! 


Had lunch wih Yoyo at Marugame (again haha), stopped by Llao Llao, and tried a Layer Cake drink from Yardstick Coffee. It was hella good, and that's not even their best-seller. 

She also wanted to try the MoA Eye so we did! I don't think I'll ever get used to heights and the horrifying thoughts I'd always have in mind though "What if our gondola got detached from the wheel dropping us in the ocean..."


I haven't seen these people in such a long time. We were supposed to visit the newly-opened Cafe, Aperitif in MoA but it was jampacked so we ended up eating at Katherine's Cafe, Watami and Nono's Thanks guys for being the magastos bunch. I went home that day broke. Lol

You know the thing I hate the most since having Acid Reflux, my choice of drink is limited. I'm not a coffee addict but I sure would love to enjoy a cup from time to time. When we stayed at Nono's I badly wanted to try their coffee but knowing I'd have to suffer,  I opted to have the Watermelon & Mango Shake instead. :( not a 3rd world problem as I make it seem but trust me, having a limit to what you can consume sucks. Changes like that make me realize how unhealthy I've become since then. 

Fortunately, I got to spend time with these amazing people. Love ya guys!

And here's my first ever FunkoPop!! This is a really special purchase because I never imagined myself owning one. There are stores for them everywhere and I like Nendos better but that thought went down the drain when I saw a Sheldon Funko lol I just know I got to have it. I have yet to get an Amy one though!

I also purchased TBBT-inspired shirts now watch me wear it like it's the only pair of shirts I own. lol I'm so obsessed and I think it's gonna stay like this for a while. My friends and my sister are already annoyed by how much I talk about it I'm not even kidding. If my replies are delayed they're gonna hit me with "Are you watching Sheldon?" which is funny because I probably am 95% of the time.

The first month of the year wasn't so bad. It's quite eventful and I think most of the reasons I was out were due to the rescheduled ganaps from last month. December was always the busiest month for me and I do appreciate it when people I love try to squeeze me in their time. Funny how time can change a person, a couple years back I'd be deep in birthday blues whenever December comes - feeling unappreciated and unloved for some reason that if no one wanted to celebrate it with me, I'd shut off from everyone. Admittedly, having your birthday the same month as the two big holidays messed me up as a kid. It's not always fun being that way but I'm glad I'm taking it well as time passes by. Ya know... growth...look, if I'm out here not having some character development then why the heck am I really here for?... 


Anyway, onto my Netflix Department

Since I'm still hung up with again and at the risk of sounding redundant, "The Big Bang Theory" show, I gave time to watch other movies in which Jim Parsons starred. The first was "The Boys in the Band", I have to be honest seeing him play a gay role caught me off guard but I wouldn't say I hated it. 

The second movie was "Spoiler Alert", which is not available on Netflix, Luckily, my friend suggested I try the Bili Bili site, and lo and behold it was there! "Spoiler Alert" piqued my interest when I stumbled on one interview of Jim talking about it and got him emotional since this movie was actually based on real-life events. It was a tragically beautiful film about a 13-year-long relationship between a gay couple and their battle with cancer. Not only did they tackle some serious lgbt concerns, but they also highlighted how important it is to have love and emotional support during rough times. Cancer is a bitch.

Let's let loose a little and talk about the movie, "No Hard Feelings" coz it was a bomb! Jennifer Lawrence's personality really fits her role. Her delivery and antics never failed to make me laugh! Rom-com is indeed her genre I swear. And I was shocked to find out about the nude beach scene, I just had to look it up when I watched it because I thought it was a body double or at least CGI but nahhh she actually went ahead and did the whole scene naked! It was crazy yet at the same time, I applaud her dedication and commitment to her craft. Mind you it was a fight scene so there's that....

The last one, is "A Very Good Girl" starring Kathryn B. The hype when this first came out in Cinemas was wild! Incredibly so,  since this was her first time playing this role which involved a lot of cursing and female rage. A huge upgrade from the teenager romcom that she used to do. 

I remember the KathNiel breakup happened last year, it was literally the talk of the town for a while. I'd admired DJ since I was in College I even attended his mall shows before and had a signed album. I think over time I just kind of outgrew it.

Just a funny story, I used to have a friend who worked in KFC and she gave me his standee because the store was going to throw it away. I had it pinned against the wall at the foot of my bed. Literally, the first person I saw and the last one at night! it was craaaazy but my mom never fought me about it, she was just like "My child, so long as u r not getting preggers we good", she was so supportive we even had photos with it sitting in their bed lol

right??? it's funny and cringe!! but that piece of cardboard made the fangirl in me soo happy back in the day.

Ayun nga lang, he is a "cheater" pala and has cheated a couple more times, so as someone who experienced the same thing, that hurts like a mf ! I'm siding with Kathryn no questions asked and I applaud her for being so firm and strong all this time. Imagine working with your cheating ex and seeing his face every day. Kinda makes you wanna punch him in the.. iykwim 

Most Played Songs for January

Soo hello 2024, I have high hopes for you! 
See ya on my next blog mfs



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