So, listen. I prefer watching male strippers, but obviously, I couldn’t just blurt that out in public—so here I am, saying it here instead. Just kidding… or am I? 👀
Before the bridal shower, Gail's sister, Janina, arranged everything. She set up a group chat, asked for food and game suggestions, and basically made sure we weren’t just sitting around awkwardly sipping Moscato. I suggested the condom-on-the-eggplant race (fastest one wins!), and Janina was totally on board. I ordered 5 boxes of condoms online because there's no way I'm buying them upfront at a store! Above all, the best part? No men around, so we can be confidently naughty without getting objectified. A win is a win!
Came Saturday night, I went on my way to Parque Espana Hotel in Munti. I was the first one to arrive so I was asked to check in in behalf of them.
The room was so spacious yall can play langit lupa without bumping to anyone
Once Janina and Tita arrived, we started preparing the room. I pumped air into the balloons and the rest of the girls who arrived helped out with the rest. Since it was my first time meeting most of them, I was a little shy at first—but they were so warm and welcoming, it didn’t take long for me to go full “bestie mode.”
Gail arrived shortly after!
Our beautiful bride-to-be ♥
The program then started off with games, which made everyone laugh. After the second game, we had dinner—a feast complete with cake and, um, a very detailed white chocolate penis for dessert. We also sipped on Moscato and wine because hydration is important.
Then came the condom game showdown. I was so competitive that night. Like, you don’t understand—I wanted that win. But alas, I only came in second. SECOND. Tragic. But hey, at least we had extra condoms to give away as prizes. Public service, really.
After the chaos, it was time for speeches. I volunteered to go first—not because I had anything prepared, but because I knew if I waited, I’d get emotional listening to everyone else and end up sobbing mid-sentence. Turns out, that was a solid decision because, wow, the speeches hit hard. Compared to them, I've only known Gail for about 3-4 years so they go way back and have so many memories and a solid bond. It's nice listening to their stories; it's like discovering a new side of her. Nothing can beat Tita and Janina's speech, though. We were all just crying all throughout lol
Bride Squad!
Once the official program ended, we snapped some photos and cleaned up. I was staying the night at the hotel together with Isay and Ren, two bridesmaids I got to bond with throughout the night.
I also got to try my gown for the first time!

To my other female friends, yall better invite me to these things; they are hella fun!
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