Chapter 1 of 2015
Notice the title change? Yes ! Instead of "How My *insert month* Went" I'll be using "Chapter *no. of the month* of 2015". For those who are new to my blog, this is the whole summary of the things I did, or the places I went, or any random moments and events that I've been through the whole month. I enjoy doing these entries the most.
So how did my first month of the year went ?
The realization of going back to school after Holidays isn't the most exciting thing. You have spent everyday of the vacation sleeping and staying up late so going back to the old routine and waking up for school is not easy. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. Student life is so complicated but I know I'll definitely miss this once I start working. Anywaysss...
I tried the recipe that I found on 9gag. It's called "Egg in a Whole". It's where you make a whole in a slice of bread then cook the egg in it.
I paired it with Biscocho, pasalubong from my Tita. Doesn't look appealing but trust me it's delicious. Hihihi !
I also tried cooking Omurice. It was such an epic fail but not bad for a first time!
My gang went to Bluebay to interview the owner of the franchise, Infinitea. It was for our school project and luckily the owner was my friend's relative.
Bluebay and its Christmas feels~
The interview finished earlier than expected and it went smoothly! I want to thank Sir Francis and his wife Mrs. Leslie for being so accommodating and for cooperating with my group.
I also had my last duty on my OJT this Month too but I know this is something that I should make a separate entry about. It's just too precious to put in here with all the random happenings. Haha!
And since my OJT has made my schedule preoccupied throughout the week, I wasn't able to go wherever I want or to do whatever during my free days. So in my first free day after my last duty, I begged my sister to take me out on a date. It was her rest day too and we haven't eaten out in a while because of our unmatched scheds.
Senkyu Meli Joy~
Another highlight of my month is when my class decided to go to the Mall of Asia, huge gatherings like this makes me soooo excited! My group got invited so we joined in. Actually, we're supposed to attend a career talk at SMX but it got cancelled due to some technical reasons and since everyone got so hype we still went on.
I love watching sunsets, it eases my mind and it's saying like "You've survived another day. Great job". For me, sunsets symbolizes hope that says "you can always try tomorrow".
Lol. How did I get so deep all of a sudden?
Anyway, I think I consumed a lot of pizzas this month than I ever did before.
We also celebrated one of my friend's birthday, Vien :))
It was heaven hahaha! It seems like all I did was eat and eat and eat. Not a good idea. T____T
Jumping to my Otaku department:
I have watched LDK live action!!! *throws confetti* Finally. Finally. This and "Sukitte Ii Nayo" live actions are my much awaited movies. Unlike "Sukitte Ii Nayo" who focuses on their romance, this movie has a slice of life which made me cry. Really. The casts and plot are good. I can never think of a negative thing to comment. It's a bomb !
Shuusei so ugh.
I have read a manga too! titled "I, My, Me"
Overall, it was a hectic January, School matters just keep on piling and piling on. I don't know what to do first. And I'm kinda feeling sad too because my cousin who I just got reunited with went to province and I have no idea if she will ever gonna come back. =C
I've been feeling so anxious and stressed.
Ugh February please don't make me suffer.
Thanks for reading !
~āŗ Grace
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