What I Learned on My OJT

I have made a post before about my first few weeks at the office and I promised myself to make another one once I finished conducting it. 

So without further delay, let's get started.

*insert dramatic piano piece*

"I can't remember how many phone calls I had answered but I can remember stuttering on my very first phone call. I can't remember how many tenants I had talked to but I can remember being so nervous around them. I can't remember how many memos and letters I had photocopied but I can remember making mistakes using the xerox machine. I can't remember how many ID's I had released but I can remember being so confused about how it should be released. I can't remember how many gatepass and work permits I had logged but I can remember panicking when I made mistakes on the monitoring sheets".

Conducting my on-the-job training at the Administration Office made a huge impact in my life. I can proudly say that I was able to overcome my fears of talking to a stranger. In my work place, my table serves as the ā€œfront deskā€ of our office so everyone who drops by will see me first before my bosses and being the first person they see, I learned to accommodate them and make sure they have their inquiries answered properly.

I'm happy because I'm finally done with my training but somehow sad because I will be leaving the office and leaving means I won't get to see them more often. It's where I had lot of happy memories and I know for sure that I will be missing the people that became part of my life in a short period of time. Iā€™m still thankful that for once in my life; I was able to meet some of the coolest person on earth who taught me so many different things that I know I can use in my future career. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have the guts to challenge my own abilities and skills to become braver and bolder. 

In my three months stay, I learned a lot of things not only those who are related to my field but also the kind of things you can apply in my life. As I was working as a trainee, I learned to become strong, brave and tough because itā€™s necessary in order to last and do my job properly. Iā€™m not going to sugar-coat this but no matter how hard you work, there will always be some people who will look down on you. I have experienced some hardships and it ended in a fruitful lesson that Iā€™ll always keep in my mind. In that sense, I learned to become a hard working person because I want to prove myself to them; it inspired me to do my best in everything that I do.   


Thank you Sir Marwin ! :D

Mini celebration on my last duty. Credit to Sir Genesis for this photo. :)

The awesome people that I had worked with. I offer these people my deepest gratitude for making me grow as an individual that I am now.

First of all, my Training Supervisor and Building Administrator, Sir Genesis. The one who never asked me to do a single office related work except to refill his water bottle. I love you Sir for that lol hahaha ! I used to be scared of him during my first few weeks because he looked "suplado" and strict but he turned out to be the coolest person at the office!

Sir Oliver our Accounting Assistant who never fails to bully Allison in a light way and a thoughtful one because he gave me a book as a birthday gift! 

Sir Marwin our Resident Engineer. The one who always cracks the corniest jokes hahaha ! He's one of the few people who had helped me during my first few days and probably the one I'm most comfortable with.

Ma'am Cecille our Tenants Relation Assistant. She's one of the strongest and hard working woman I have ever met. I'm so amazed at how she can handle her problems so flawlessly. Way to go Ma'am! 

Sir Remy, our Operations Assistant. *no photo* because he's always out and about TTuTT. One of the most energetic person at the office! We can never ran out of things talk about. He's a very hard working and a family oriented man.

Sir Vander, our Warehouse Assistant. *still no photo* TTuTT the most wanted person on phone calls hahahaha ! We don't always have a conversation because he's a busybody but I can atleast say that he's a funny and a great man.

My co-trainee Maricel. Everyone says we look too much alike. As I was just starting, she taught me how things worked at the office which was a big help. I can't thank her enough for being so reliable and trustworthy.

Another Co-Trainee, Allison. She's like the happy pill of the office. The atmosphere of the office becomes lighter when she's on duty! Such a sweetheart.

*more photos*

The perks of being a trainee inside the mall. TTuTT

I realized how the corporate world works during my short stay in the company. I never thought that operating a mall can be a very hard thing to do yet they made it looked so smooth and easy. I truly respect my bosses for keeping the mall operations carry on, since I was a trainee, I've witnessed all the concerns, complaints and matters they have to put up with everyday. Itā€™s not as easy as it seems. They were all very hard working and they never let the tenantā€™s leave without being accommodated. Seeing them working so hard, I encouraged myself to become as hard working as them, and they really did appreciate my efforts in doing my job and helping them with their works. I became inspired to be as professional as them someday. 

As my on-the job training ended, I learned that it is not just a requirement to pass my subject but also an unforgettable working experience. It made me exposed my other unknown skills and enhanced them. They gave me opportunities to go out of my comfort zone which I donā€™t normally do. 

 It is a very overwhelming thing to know that there are people who acknowledged my efforts and appreciate my worth as a trainee. I went through a lot of hardships during my training days. I can never thank them enough for being so patient on teaching me and for the guidance, for the care and for the love they have given me. They didn't only teach me how the corporate world goes; they also teach me some life-lessons to ponder on. I wish they would remember me, that somehow in their busy office life; a short yet strong willed lady appeared magically at their office and helped them carry on with their operations. I will surely miss my Admin family. Working with them is a pleasure and even if I were to have my  on the job training again, I would love to conduct it there! 



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