Tour 2015
I'm doing myself a favor by making this draft right now hahaha ! I've been so busy this month because you know ehem school stuff but I really feel the need to publish this before February ends.
Last February 19, we had an educational tour! It might be the last tour that we'll experience so everyone from my class participated.
Since we've learned our lesson last tour we decided not to sleep anymore. It's better than being late again and get separated from the rest. We arrived at the meeting place way too early, it was around 4:30 in the morning as far as I can remember.
Look how dark it was. We're the first ones to arrive. Excited much ? We got into our bus after meeting some of our classmates.
Off we go! First stop, Gardenia Factory.
They held a short seminar about the said factory before touring the plant. It was amazing seeing gigantic machines live in action.
Tierra de Maria was our next stop.
There's a tiny chapel at the back of the huge Our Lady of Manaoag that will welcome you upon entering the place. It's a very quiet chapel where you can sit and relax while saying your prayers.
We stopped by Picnic Grove to have our lunch! One of my fave tour locations. It's a very cold and windy place but the view was breathtakingly beautiful. They have souvenirs shops everywhere and you can try other activities like zip line or horse back riding etc.
Our stay there was very limited so we never really enjoyed everything that it has to offer. I would've tried horse back riding too TTuTT
Onto our last destination! Everyone's looking forward on this one.
Enchanted Kingdom. It was my first time being there. So yes tao na ako ! Yehey !
First ride was the Ekstreme Tower, where I almost died of fear. I'm acrophobic so of course It would scare the heck out of me. The freaking tower stands at 120 ft. so just imagine it going up and down there. I don't really wanna go but you know friends ;__; I was seated next to my two brave friends Laida and Alvin who never failed to cheer me up by saying "Kaya mo yan"! I was shaking the whole time and bawling my eyes out from crying. The ride went up and up and up until I can see the whole Laguna!! So freaking high! Then it went down just before I finished calming down myself. Really. You gonna do that to me ? -___- I'll never forget the aching of my heart and I'm so close to fainting. T__T It lasted for seconds. I'll never really try that again. Huhu! My poor kokoro. I'm not gonna give that ride a second chance.
Anyways, the second one was the Anchor's Away. Some of my classmates joined too so it became more exciting!
Was taken a back the moment I saw this. I actually planned on trying this one out. But hihihi ! Never expected this to be so high. I'm not gonna let myself die in there so no hahaha !! Alvin and Aya you go girls!!
4th ride: Flying Fiesta. Was looking forward to seeing it because it looks so kawaii hahaha ! I've only seen this on movies and ads before. We needed to dry ourselves so this ride is a very good idea.
I didn't spread my arms like I was planning to because you know heights ;___; why do you have to be a scaredycat Grasya ? TTuTT
Where are you up to Miss ?
Feeling like a tourist with this Europe kind of view. It did make me feel like I'm walking the streets of the West. Wanna go back here and take lots and lost of photos.
To my lovely classmates and to my gang, thank you for making this tour a success and an unforgettable one! ^____^v
Hope you enjoyed the photospam! I can now finally rest hahaha ! Jaa ne ~!
~āŗ Grace
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