30-Day Writing Challenge (DAY 15) Three Pet Peeves

 Hi, and this is Day 15!

Today our topic will be about my top 3 pet peeves. 

1.) Cat calling - I swear, just thinking about the number of times I got catcalled even for wearing decent clothing is beyond me. If men can just keep it in their pants, there will be world peace. Can't women walk down the street without feeling violated or harassed? this is a sad reality for us. I try my best to call them out on it, coz never will I ever back down to men's satisfaction for sexual harassment. 

2.) When someone tries to mask their insult with a joke - all for the sake of being hilarious. Poking at someone's appearance, insecurities or anything that's beyond their control will never be funny. I will never understand how some can sleep peacefully at night knowing they've said something mean to someone. It's degrading and disgusting.

3.) People who cancels plans last minute -  Heavy on this. I know emergencies can happen but more often than not it's just a bs reasoning and I can and will see through it. I clear my schedule for you. Give you my time. We're all adults here, busy and working. I could've use that time for more things. If you are bailing on me last minute, with an obvious, stupid lie, there will be no next time. 

1.) Slow Walkers
2.) Repetitive tapping noise
3.) One-uppers
4.) Rude to waiters
5.) Spitting on the road

That's all I have for you guys. 
How about you? What are your pet peeves?



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