30-Day Writing Challenge (DAY 5) A Place I Would Live But Never Visited

 Hey kids, welcome to Day 5! 

Today, Iā€™ll be talking about this one place I would want to live in but never stepped foot on yet! 

It's pretty obvious if you're an avid reader but I'm gonna say it anyway... *drum roll*


The amount of admiration I have for this country is insane! One of the main reasons why I wanna go there is to satisfy the weeb in me. Growing up with anime, I often wondered how life in Japan would be, I love their culture and food not to mention my obsession with Matcha! 

I even once asked my parents if I could switch my course to Japanalogy in College which was awarded with a resounding no lol when I graduated I applied for a passport so I could apply for jobs out there but my mom was so against the idea. At some point, I started learning Nihongo because I just wanna watch anime in peace without the subtitles lol

I know Japan could still be different than what the socmed has been showing us. Life there could be hard too.  At least that's what Filipino in JP vloggers and people I know would tell me. I'm well aware it's not always gonna be rainbows and unicorns, but we all have it tough. I know I do but if I was allowed to relocate at one point, it would be that country. In a heartbeat!

The moment I have a taste of their authentic ramen is the day, I'd tell myself I made it in life lol

For now I'll keep on taking photos with the fake Sakura and Osaka's Glico Runinngman 

Thatā€™s enough daydreaming for now! Bye people!

See ya on day 6!




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