30-Day Writing Challenge - (DAY 1) 5 Problems with SocMed
Hey kids! I saw this on Pinterest and thought this could be a fun challenge for me. So I figured I'd give this 30-day writing challenge a try. Can't promise that I can keep this up, but who knows?

Starting today- our topic will be..
5 Problems with Social Media
I listed down some thoughts I have at the top of my head, here they are:
1.) It makes people lazy - guilty as charged! I could be doing my laundry but sometimes choose to scroll on my Facebook. More often than not, I'd rather stay in my bed and be unproductive for the whole day while my eyes are glued to my phone. It's a disease!
2.) A perfect distraction - The amount of time I spend on TikTok just scrolling on my fyp is unimaginable. 5 hours in bed, spending the whole night just doing that, and switching between 5 different applications. I often get distracted from work once I get my hands on my phone. And having a short attention span wasn't helping at all. I could be working my ass off and the next thing I know I'm on Facebook, stalking a friend of a friend. Lol
3.) Privacy concern- yes, since some are literally on socmed all the time. Curating their feed. Updating their stories, it's a given fact that it can lead to something of a more concerning matter - like people finding out your location and such. It's not a safe place to be sharing everything online.
4.) Cyberbullying - need I say more? this problem has become more and more apparent over the years. It's just unfortunate how one can be as mean and ruthless to someone as long as they stay anonymous. Sure everyone is entitled to their own opinions but IT IS NEVER OKAY TO HATE or HARASS SOMEONE, be it online or offline
5.) Cancel culture - can we please stop doing this? It's toxic and just another form of cyberbullying that people tend to normalize. I will never understand how some people feel like you owe them an explanation for everything you do. Remember no one can "cancel" you. You are what you are and you know yourself better than anyone.
That's it for Day 1!!
See you tomorrow!
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